Roulette computer online casino

Roulette computer online casino


How They Work

If you are new to roulette computers, there is a lot you’ll need to learn to understand what a roulette computer must do to beat modern wheels in today’s casinos. Roulette computers are not new. In fact they’ve been around for about 50 years. But beating roulette wheels half a century ago is not the same as it is today – you need far more sophisticated technology.

Unfortunately, dishonest vendors sell simplistic devices based on a 50 year old design that only beats rare easily beaten wheels. And of course any vendor will claim their device is the best money can buy, so how can you know the truth? Unfortunately you are going to need to do thorough research, in particularly because the truth is hidden beneath a mountain of manipulative information.

I suggest you read through the below information, then follow each other listed pages in order. If the information is new to you, don’t expect to grasp it all immediately.

What is a Roulette Computer?

Roulette computers are discrete electronic devices that predict where the ball will land to win at roulette. They are far more effective than any roulette system. Ultimately they measure the speed and deceleration of the wheel (rotor) and ball to calculate predictions. If the computer has been designed correctly, predictions are clearly accurate enough to overcome the house edge and consistently win at roulette.

You may have read news articles about users of such electronic devices that have been caught after winning vast sums of money. The highest profile story of roulette computer use to beat the casino was of the Ritz Casino Mobile Phone group who earned £1.3M (US$2.3M) within days. Because the technology is legal, the group was permitted to keep their winnings. Contrary to popular belief, roulette computers are actually legal in most casinos. This is because the devices predict spin outcomes without interfering with actual outcomes. Nevertheless, casinos obviously don’t like players using them. If a casino suspects you of roulette computer use, they’ll first make changes to try and make you lose, otherwise they’ll ask you to leave and may even ban you. For this reason, the technology must be applied covertly.

How a roulette computer is applied

Different roulette computers do different things. But the procedure explained below is most common:

Phase 1: Taking the ball sample

When the ball is released, the user clicks a hidden button every time the ball passes a fixed reference point (such as a diamond/metal deflector). The clicks continue until the ball falls.

Phase 2: Calibration

Now for the next 30 or so spins, the player clocks the rotor and ball. Clocking is just the term used for “clicking a button”. First the player waits for the wheel’s green zero to be at the reference diamond – this is the first click. Then when the wheel completes a full revolution, the green zero is back at the reference diamond, and the player clicks once more. Now the player simply keeps clicking each time the ball is at the same reference diamond. When the ball slows to a specific speed (defined by the player), the computer calculates where the ball will approximately fall onto the rotor (the spinning part with pockets). This is repeated for 30 or so spins in each direction. Over these 30 or so spins, the player hopes to have a reasonable idea of how far the ball is actually bouncing from the original “untuned” prediction.

Phase 3: Play

Now the player sets the computer to adjust all predictions by the required distance (in pockets) so that the discrepancy caused by the ball bounce is adjusted for. From then on, predictions will be much more accurate, and the player can begin betting based on the adjusted predictions given by the computer. The player has a short time in which to take their timings, then place their bets. Given the average casino conditions, this is achievable in roughly half of casinos.

Exactly how they work

Some roulette computers are virtually identical, but others are very different. To understand what most roulette computers do, and how others are different, first you need to understand the basics. To learn the basics, see the Making a Roulette Computer Section. I suggest reading each section in sequence. It may be a lot of information to absorb if it is new to you, but it needs to be understood so you can avoid ineffective computers.
